Today I shared some thoughts with an old friend. We were discussing conspiracy theories and after stating that these theories for the most part didn't have merit he wrote:
My premise that people try to make sense of their experience of life, and that they will believe what they need to believe, when they need to believe it still stands.
My response:
I think conspiracies happen but most you hear about aren't true. Those that have a basis in truth are never all powerful. Your final analysis that we're all creating our own personal manufactured conspiracies sounds right to me although sad. Very sad.
You, I and every other human male comes from a long line of risk-taking warriors. I mean, every one of our fathers all the way back grew up and successfully found a mate for at least one shag. Considering the survival rate per generation in primitive man with all the shit they had going against them, our lineages are full of success stories. I think we are designed to have something to fight against, to push up against. We're risk takers at heart.
Today we have all this extra wealth. I mean even though I'm broke, I still live like a king. Not bad of itself, but we haven't evolved to figure out what to do with ourselves and our excesses.
So there's this perceived lack, like a key inside that should have been opened, you know like what happens when you fall in love for the first time. It's said somewhere that the girl we loved in some way was already inside us before we met. She just woke THAT up inside ourselves when we laid eyes on her. And there's a lot more of THAT that isn't waking up because our environment has changed. But evolution's not that fast. Our mind has out-evolved the rest of us.
So what does a mind do when the soul is lost?
Back in the day, living was hard work enough without sitting around inventing self-delusional bullshit. Because there's all this relative wealth and time, there's all this new space that has opened up. Nature abhors a vacuum and the powers are at work making inroads. There are whole systems of bullshit being spawned in the minds of man and man is taking his place inside his own bullshit worlds like a termite building himself into its own mound. The termites children will never know what daddy knew.
But what's natural for termites is not for man.
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